Year 12 Oxford University Visit

On Thursday the 7th of March, a group of our Year 12 students visited the Magdalen College at The University of Oxford. They had a great day exploring the college and the city, as well as participating in sessions that introduced them to studying at a world-class university and gave them a taste of what it was like. Our students made us proud – by maturely presenting themselves and getting involved in all of the activities with enthusiasm and professionalism!
At Wickersley, we have a strong track record of securing university offers from the most prestigious universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. In the coming months, there will be even more opportunities for students to learn more about university and other destinations after sixth form, including employment and apprenticeships. 

WPT Y11 Careers Fair

We had a great day on Friday, exhibiting at Wickersley Partnership Trust’s Y11 Careers Fair, getting to speak to lots of students from across the

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