
Sixth Form Applications for 2024 Are Now Open!
Yesterday, at our annual Open Evening, Wickersley Sixth Form welcomed almost 900 visitors to the school to explore the site, visit departments, and speak to subject

Wickersley Sixth Form Open Evening – Thursday the 16th of November 2023 On behalf of Wickersley Sixth Form, we would like to invite you to our Sixth

Visit from University of Cambridge Student & Staff
On Tuesday, Y12 and Y13 A-Level Physics students had the opportunity to hear from and speak to two former Wickersley students who are currently at

We wish our Year 13 students the very best of luck ahead of A-level and Level 3 results day tomorrow, Thursday the 20th of August.

Wickersley Sixth Form Induction Days
We’re delighted to invite Year 11 students currently holding a conditional offer to study at Wickersley Sixth Form into school on the 3rd and 4th of

Open Evening Presentation – Monday 30th January 2023, 5.30pm
Are you interested in studying at Wickersley Sixth Form in September 2023, and did you miss our event on the 17th of November? Please join

Applications For September 2023 Are Now Open
Thank you to everyone who attended our Open Evening on Thursday– we loved welcoming you all to our Sixth Form and seeing how we can

Y12 A Level Drama Group Performances
Y12 students on the A Level Drama and Theatre course recently performed their mock group performance exams. All students gave an excellent account of themselves

This morning, we welcomed Y13 students back through the Wickersley School doors for one last time to collect their much-anticipated A Level results. Despite this

HEPP Event – Open Days and Clearing
Parents and carers are invited to HEPP’s free event, which is all about the importance of University Open Days and how to navigate Clearing. Details

Y13 British Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad
Recently, two of our Y13 Physics students took part in the British Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad Round 1. Mark and Korben joined 267 students from

Y13 British Physics Olympiad
All Y13 Physics students took part in the Physics Challenge from the British Physics Olympiad. This paper is designed to stretch thinking into the applications