A Level Results Day 2022

This morning, we welcomed Y13 students back through the Wickersley School doors for one last time to collect their much-anticipated A Level results.

Despite this cohort experiencing unprecedented disruption to their studies, today we celebrate their fantastic results. 

Almost all students who applied to university secured their first choice place, including some of the most competitive universities. Many students have also fought off fierce competition to secure apprenticeships and employment at very prestigious providers.

Mr Hardcastle, Headteacher at Wickersley School & Sports College, said: “We’re incredibly proud of all of our Y13 students. Despite the challenges of the past couple of years, they have achieved amazing results and have secured strong onward destinations. 

“We wish them all the best in whatever they go on to do next.”

The Wickersley Sixth Form team have been in school today to celebrate with, and congratulate, our students. We encourage any student who needs further advice or support to get in touch via sixthform@wickersley.net.

Congratulations, Y13! We wish you the best of luck with your next steps.

This morning, we welcomed Y13 students back through the Wickersley School doors for one last time to collect their much-anticipated A Level results.

Despite this cohort experiencing unprecedented disruption to their studies, today we celebrate their fantastic results. 

Almost all students who applied to university secured their first choice place, including some of the most competitive universities. Many students have also fought off fierce competition to secure apprenticeships and employment at very prestigious providers.

Mr Hardcastle, Headteacher at Wickersley School & Sports College, said: “We’re incredibly proud of all of our Y13 students. Despite the challenges of the past couple of years, they have achieved amazing results and have secured strong onward destinations. 

“We wish them all the best in whatever they go on to do next.”

The Wickersley Sixth Form team have been in school today to celebrate with, and congratulate, our students. We encourage any student who needs further advice or support to get in touch via sixthform@wickersley.net.

Congratulations, Y13! We wish you the best of luck with your next steps.

Year 13

Y13 British Physics Olympiad

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WPT Y11 Careers Fair

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